Travel Agent + Producer + Singer / songwriter + Marketer in Unique Concepts

Hey, I'm Paul Thayil, founder and CEO of Musicflow from USA. Born into a music home with his father, brother and all his sisters singing Paul Thayil had no option but to learn music and fall in love with music. Paul produced his own CD in 1994 in Philadelphia as a singer/songwriter. Paul has worked with bands and musicians around the world in the past 40 years.

Paul intends to create more projects for the music world, dance world, art world, fashion/travel worlds and the massive food industry in the future. All projects will be ecommerce presented by Music flow LLC. Our aim will be to help encourage future Musicians, Dancers and talented people wanting to be in the Entertainment industry with live shows online and offline.

Jazz + Guitarist

Tommy Smith is one of the world's top jazz guitarists, a former senior staff member of Australia National Airways Qantas. With many years of experience in the aviation industry will be a great asset to MusicflowTravel as adviser. He is a songwriter and a producer with his own home studio. Tommy Smith is a citizen of Australia.

Singer + Producer + Graphic Artist

Joshua Prabhakar Rao is a Singer/Producer and our top graphic artist. He has performed music at live shows. Joshua has been in the printing industry and graphic designing work for many years. It is a joy to have him as a team member.

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